DOMMS Rounds

Quit using paper statements during your rounds

Support for the proper realization of the rounds

Simplified shift records

Continuous improvement and fluidity of operation

Interactive round plan

Have access to the diagram of your production lines and take note of the history of the rounds carried out as well as the rounds to be carried out. 

Identification of the intervention area on plan
Possible selection from the plan or from the list of areas to check
Visual interface to facilitate the learning of the site

Sheet of rounds

Complete your operations and maintenance rounds. Opt for the sustainability of your facilities and be informed of the state of your industrial heritage through scheduled rounds.

Access to a procedure or documentation on the general round or on each task
Complete each control with a photo or video
Compare the statement to the previus ones to make an initial analysis of a problem encountered
Exploit and value the data recorded during the rounds 
Adding anomalies, on the round reader, encountered in the fiel

You want to equip your technicians with an all-in-one rounding application ? 

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